zaavan co. and beepBo

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Apple of my eye

this is him. this is my baby boy. well...he's not a baby any more, but he'll always be my sweet baby boy. i'll be real open here and say that jon and i have recently come to the discussion of having more children. i mean really talking about it. poring over the finer details. remembering the sacrifices. reveling in victory yet, in a way, declining to engage in battle a second time. part of me is more than justified in this decision taking into consideraton my (our) circumstances, and yet there is a part that wonders if we are giving up too soon. i don't know what i mean by giving up....ok....i guess i do know. would i be giving up on jon and i getting the chance to be "typical" parents?
i can't explain quite the conundrum that we are in. maybe opening the topic up for discussion will bring a point of view not yet discussed, or at least you can tell us we're stupid and shouldn't worry so much because we already have a beautiful, delicious little boy that is more than worth whatever pitiful sacrifices we feel sorry for ourselves for making.


  • At 5:28 AM, Blogger Susan Barnes said…

    It must be a really tough decision. All I can say is that I'll pray for wisdom for you both.

  • At 2:04 PM, Blogger zaavan said…

    thanks susan! it is a difficult decision. i just wondered if anyone could offer advice or an objective point of view on this subject. it's not my point to leave our procreation (or lack thereof) to be decided by public opinion, that's a tad bit weird. but many people have taken this journey with us, and i was curious what others might have to say...

  • At 2:05 PM, Blogger zaavan said…

    obviously, that last post was me and not zaavan! - erin

  • At 10:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    This feels like "rushing in where angels fear to tread" but you know me! There is all the biological clock stuff--though you are far from being there--however the time does come when the options decrease and eventually cease. (so God invented grandchildren!!) I know that this is a long-pondered topic and I will say, from experience, that God can faithfully supply both the tangible and emotional resources to raise whoever he gives us. I can also imagine the delight Zaavan would have in a sibling. All that being said, we really need to make it a matter of prayer that you and Jon could be excited about the possibility--not apprehensive. Of course there is alway the element of surprise when it comes to when/if a new little one decides to join the family. We had 3 of those! As I pray for you, I will add this and be open to sharing any further thoughts.
    Love you.

  • At 7:06 PM, Blogger Susan Barnes said…

    I think you are doing the right thing by talking about it. The more you talk, the more you will uncover all your fears and hopes and gain a truer perspective of them. Also talking about it allows what God has sown deep into your hearts to surface.


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