i'm a walkin' fool!

every thursday zaavan goes to the courage center in stillwater for physical and occupational therapy. this is him with his PT jessica. last week we put zaavan in a contraption called a gait-trainer. it is intended to help him "walk" by giving him support in the areas he can't control himself. the idea is to get zaavan to lift his legs and push himself forward. zaavan has been using a gait-trainer off and on at school and home for over a year with......less than successful results. ok, i'll be honest, he seems to hate it and has never even tried to push himself forward or backwards! until last week. i don't know for sure how, why, or what happened, but he was actually making attempts to push himself. it was all i could do to keep from breaking out into tears and looking like a blathering idiot in front of complete strangers. i could barely hold it together enough to snap a few photos. anyway....he tired of the gait-trainer fairly quickly (after about 15 min.) and there was no recovering once he started whining. but for a few brief minutes he actually tried to do it! he was trying to walk! and he was excited about it! i started clapping for him saying "yay zaavan! you can do it! go go go! you're walking!" and he looked at me with a big smile on his face that was full of pride, as if to say "i knew i could do it!" it was only a few small steps, pushes really, but each one was a giant leap for zaavan. my cup overflows with joy and anticipation of what his future holds.
At 9:41 AM,
Unknown said…
Once agin, seeing these wonderful "steps forward" are cause for GREAT rejoicing. I know they are answers to the "more than we expect" prayers and those prayers continue. Give Zaavan a kiss for me. Love you.
At 12:55 PM,
Paul said…
Walk on, little guy!!
At 7:25 AM,
Susan Barnes said…
Great to hear of Zaavan's progress.
At 9:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, Erin, thanks for the update! That's truly an answer to prayer. I know you've had to wait a long time, but seeing Zaavan take his first steps had to be an incredible experience. God's blessings to you all, our prayers and expectations for further miracles are with you.
At 12:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
thanks everyone. trent especially. you've been by this little man's side since the day he was born. and i know the love has done nothing but grow. as proud as we are at sharing this with him, i hope you can also share not just as an uncle, but as a brother who has approached the throne on zaavan's behalf many times.
and the father knows how to give good gifts.
At 1:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for answering my question about the medication being decreased in your previous post... I'm wondering why you haven't been supplied with liquid dilantin. ??
Zaavan is much loved ... I continue to ask for healing... hey, let's reach for the sky....while we motor along ;-)
At 1:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
thanks everyone, for stopping by and for the words of encouragement. it is a priceless thing to have people come along side you and say uplifting things. and zaavan is just so damn cute that you can't help but cheer him on!
wendy: to answer you about why we didn't use dilantin in liquid form? good question. we have in the past been able to use the suspension elixir, but not since zaavan has been on the ketogenic diet. i haven't the time to go into extreme detail about what that means right now, but i will tell you that since february, zaavan has been on a precisely regimented diet of four parts fat to one part protien with no sugar and very little carb content (he's currently allowed the equivalent of 1 gram of carbohydrate per day). it is an extreme diet that has been found effective at controlling siezures in 30% of children who participatre. it is the reason that zaavan is siezure free today! before the diet he was having anywhere between 20(good day) and 50(bad day) a day since about birth. he is now almost 4. that is just a little background on what we are going through with our little man. feel free to look for info on the ketogenic diet through your favorite search engine, or johns hopkins web site.
and keep stopping by with more questions if you like!
At 8:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
30 to 50 seizures a day ... egad ...
What causes us to jump and leap for joy is so relative, eh?
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